Saturday, January 5, 2013

Update of Wool Block of the month

Busy day yesterday, worked on my wool  block of the month crazy patch backround block---almost finished, worked on my blog, watched an episode of Downton Abbey to get ready for Season 3 Sunday night and helped my youngest pull together an email for a prospective employer. Very diverisified day.

Here is the backround before I started work yesterday:

Here it is after I finished:

A close up on the decorative stitching:


I used my machine to do the decorative stitches. I am blessed to have a machine with a ga-zillion stitches (maybe not that many).

I took the Crafsty course "Stupendous Stitching" and one of the first assignments was to make a "stitch bible" by stitching each stitch your machine has and numbering it on a piece of material with interfacing attached to it. This was boring but well worth it.

It's a little hard to see so here is a closer look. My "bible" isn't beautiful but it sure is useful. As I went along I found that putting some straight stitches between the decorative stitches was helpful.

Back to wool crazy patch backround, the plain middle block will be covered each month. January's block is:

 I still have some work to do. I have to put the binding on the backround square, add a sleeve to hang it, add hooks and eyes so I can hang the blocks and order a small wall quilt hanger to display it. Maybe it will be ready for February's block. I can't wait to be able to show you the finished project.

Going to watch some football, catch you later, Ronda


  1. Wow, lots of fancy stitches. I think my little starter machine has 8. Lol

    1. Hi Kim, It's fun to have a lot of stitches but I bet I use the stitches that are on your machine most. The basic stitches get the job done.

  2. Hello sister,
    This is not a comment on your last post as such. I just wanted to say that I didn't think I could be more impressed with your blog, but you've really made some improvements. I actually said; "Wow" out loud! I'm NOT joking. It's no surprise to me that you won a prize. Hope all is well.
    Love, your brother

  3. Hello Ronda, Your background CQ machine stitching is very pretty. It is looking very good and the best part is enjoying the process. I have watched all the glorious Downton Abbey episodes and I am resisting buying Series 3 for awhile but it is difficult. LOL Hugs Judy

  4. Thanks Judy, I felt guilty for doing the stitches on the machine but got over it quickly. I'm recordiing each Downton episode so I can watch it when Hubby isn't around, it's not his favorite. Excited to see what happens this season. Ronda


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